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Call for Abstracts - CLOSED

Abstract submissions closed on Monday 11 November 2024, at 11:59pm AEDT

The Preventive Health Conference is an important conference on the public health calendar. Convened by the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA), the Preventive Health Conference is an annual conference aimed at providing a platform to engage, challenge and exchange ideas, where pivotal issues for building prevention in Australia is discussed and where delegates can learn from the experience, opinions and perspectives of sector leaders and their peers.  Attendance is in Person or watch plenary sessions online live via the ‘Plenary Hub’ portal.


The 2025 Preventive Health Conference theme is: ‘Prevention is political’.


There is no doubt that preventive health initiatives and programs provide tangible health outcomes for the individuals, are excellent value for money and deliver co-benefits to many other aspects of society and community. However, working in prevention is not as straightforward as identifying and delivering evidence-based programs to improve outcomes. This year’s theme and sub-themes have been selected both with a nod to our host city, and also to surface the reality that is extremely familiar for those working in prevention and public health.

Politics plays a critical role in both the success and failure of preventive health initiatives. We are aware of the role that governments play in funding the generation of evidence and implementation of initiatives, the impact that a change of government or structures within government can have on preventive health programs and approaches, and of the challenges that come from the interaction between different governments, agencies and organisations. However, the politics of prevention goes much further than the machinations of government, with politics influencing who works with who, how organisational relationships play out over decades, and how well-intentioned initiatives end up failing due to the complexities of their authorising environment. There is also the role of the relationship between unhealthy industries and government, through lobbying, revenue, donations and other more subtle means of exercising influence. Politics is everywhere in prevention and it’s time to discuss the benefits, challenges and opportunities it presents.

​​Abstract Submissions

We encourage submitters to think about the story they are telling, and how they will ensure the presentation is dynamic and engaging. Reforming policy is core strategy to support preventive health.  We encourage abstracts exploring stories of policy reform to improve preventive health outcomes and the settings that lead to them.

We encourage presentations on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health to be presented or co-presented with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person. We encourage abstracts submitted to note if authors identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

Presenters of research focusing on particular Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities should provide an additional paragraph with their abstract outlining whether the relevant community/ies have provided permission to publicise the research findings. An additional 50-word paragraph is permitted in addition to the 300-word maximum.

All abstracts should be submitted electronically using the online form on this conference webpage.

It is the submitting author’s responsibility to ensure the correct version of the abstract is uploaded. Abstracts submitted should be checked for spelling and grammar as they will be published exactly as received.

All presenters must register to present at the conference and pay the Conference registration fee.

Abstracts are invited for the following topics and corresponding subthemes in areas of public health:


  1. Research: Intro, Methods, Results, Conclusion.

  2. Policy/Practice: Problem, What you did, Results, Lessons.


The Preventive Health Conference will be guided by the below sub-themes (select all that are relevant):

Navigating the politics
It’s not just politicians and governments who are impacted by politics. The way individuals and organisations, including commercial players, interact, manoeuvre and strategise, significantly impact preventive health.  We encourage abstracts that tell your stories of the politics of prevention and discuss their lessons for other prevention activities.

Prevention for equity
Addressing the underlying determinants of health and preventing risk factors can improve the equity of health outcomes.  We encourage abstracts exploring prevention activities which include diverse community voices, explore the multiple determinants of health, including social, cultural and commercial determinants, and reflect on how we can best keep equity rather than politics at the centre of prevention decision making. 

Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander prevention success stories
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have led and co-designed many innovative preventive health successes and have survived with cultural strength despite the enormous ongoing challenges that have come with colonialism.  We encourage abstracts of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prevention stories, especially those that demonstrate how their activities can promote and incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community control and self-determination.

Prevention frameworks and methodologies
Since the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in 1986 there have been many useful frameworks and methodologies for health promotion.  We encourage abstracts which explore and have used such approaches, from settings approaches to co-design, implementation science to systems science, which can add to our understanding about how to do prevention.

Sustaining action for prevention health
How do we reframe prevention activity away from singular, short term initiatives or campaigns, to embedded ways of working for government and society? How do we move beyond short term research projects, pilot projects, or a new preventive health program with only short-term funding. We welcome abstracts exploring the experiences and challenges of changing the framing including, long-term implementation and planning of and the embedding of prevention activities in core functions and funding.

The Prevention “Narrative”
How do we tell the story of preventive health?  How do those who oppose preventive health reform tell that story?  How do we communicate the benefits of “stopping bad things from happening”.  What role does economics play? What is the role of governance and the way decisions are made?  Do unhealthy industries have the right to   influence policies aimed at curbing the health harm their products cause?

Topical prevention challenges
Our media is full of stories of preventive health challenges: the heating climate, obesity, vaping, family violence, mental health, and other topics.  We welcome abstracts exploring these topical challenges that go beyond the magnitude of the problem and talk about creating more supportive environments for their prevention and addressing the underlying determinants of these challenges.

Disruption by AI, machine learning and social media
The disruptions caused by AI, machine learning and social media offer opportunities for preventive health, but also challenges, such as the rapid spread of fear-inducing misleading information by social media.  We welcome abstracts exploring these digital technologies and how they can best be used for prevention activities.

Presentation Types (Face-to-face & Pre-recorded)


We are asking abstract submitters to express interest in your preferred presentation method. Please note, this cannot be guaranteed.

Long Oral Presentations

Presenters have a total of 10 minutes to present. If time allows, Q&A will occur at the conclusion of all presentations. Abstract submitted must have clear learning objectives and outcomes. Please note, places are limited.


Rapid Fire Presentations

Presenters have a total of 6 minutes presentation time using up to 6 PowerPoint slides (including any title and reference slides). If time allows, Q&A will occur at the conclusion of all presentations. Please note, places are limited.


Tabletop Presentations

Tabletop presentations act as a pathway for networking and sharing of information directly in an interactive setting. These are particularly suited to presenters talking about their on-the-ground experiences and for sharing and demonstrating the resources that they use.   Presenters have 5 minutes to present and 5 minutes to interact with the 9 other people on their table. Once the 10 minutes is up, the presenter will move to the next table and repeat their presentation, with each presenter presenting to several tables during the session.

Poster Display

Presenters will provide a one-page A0-sized physical copy of their poster for display at the conference


There will be a different process for workshops - Expression of Interest (EOI) - which opens on Monday 4 November 2024 and closes at 11:59pm (AEDT) on Tuesday 4 February 2025. Please visit this website to submit an Expression of Interest – Opening Monday 4 November 2024.

​Please note, concurrent session presentations will only be available to view by face-to-face delegates at the venue.

Abstract Requirements

  • Presentations require the submission of an abstract and will be peer reviewed.

  • Refer to the online abstract submission or manual abstract submission form for requirements.

  • The abstract title should be no longer than 12 words.

  • The abstract should be a maximum of 300 words in simple text paragraphs without images or tables. If providing information about whether the relevant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community/ies have provided permission to publicise the research findings, an extra 50 words is permitted.

  • If there is more than one author, all correspondence will be sent to the person whose name and email address is entered with the abstract.

  • A maximum of two (2) abstracts may be submitted per presenting author. All abstracts must be original work and submitted in English.

  • When authors are notified of abstract acceptance to the conference, author/s are required to register to present. If no response is received within the specified timeframe, another abstract can be offered in its place.

  • All abstract submissions must agree to the Speaker Terms and Conditions upon submission of the abstract.

PHAA reserves the right to amend requirements for the Call For Abstracts.

© 2025 by Public Health Association of Australia.

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