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2025 Sponsors & Exhibitors

We thank the sponsors and exhibitors for their support of the Preventive Health Conference 2025.

If you are interested in supporting PHC25, please view our Engagement Opportunities, or contact us to discuss options.


The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre

Affiliation Sponsor and Exhibitor

The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre is a leading national collaboration of prevention researchers, policy makers and practitioners designed to meet the real-world needs of its government and other partners.

As a Centre of the Sax Institute and in collaboration with our funding partners, the Prevention Centre works to build system leadership, support new knowledge and accelerate the use of evidence and methods to inform chronic disease prevention policy and practice. 

The Centre is particularly recognised for building and strengthening systems approaches to prevention and innovations in communicating the importance and value of chronic disease prevention research.

Nadia Mastersson
Head, Prevention

PO Box K617

Haymarket NSW 1240

(02) 9188 9530

​Cancer Council Australia​


As one of the most trusted organisations in Australia, Cancer Council is the peak, non-Government cancer control organisation, working to improve outcomes and provide support to all Australians affected by all cancers. As the national body in a federation of eight state and territory member organisations, Cancer Council Australia works to make a lasting impact on cancer outcomes by: shaping and influencing policy and practice across the cancer control continuum; developing and disseminating evidence-based cancer information; supporting research; convening and collaborating with cross sectorial stakeholders and consumers to set priorities; and speaking as a trusted voice on cancer control in Australia.​​​​

Megan Varlow
Director, Cancer Control Policy

GPO Box 4708

Sydney NSW 2001

(02) 8256 4100

LGBTIQ Health Australia Logo.png

​LGBTIQ+ Health Australia


LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) is the national peak body for LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex, queer and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people. With a diverse membership spanning LGBTIQ+ community-controlled health organisations, community groups, state and territory peak bodies, service providers, researchers, and individuals, LHA is uniquely positioned to deliver national leadership in policy, advocacy, research, and capacity building.

Suite 2101 / Level 21,
233 Castelereagh Street

Sydney NSW 2000

(02) 7209 6301

© 2025 by Public Health Association of Australia.

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